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Verified Fresns Team
Fresns Creator

Full-stack product manager & developer. Published of "杰出产品经理" books, videos, skill cards. Developed product Fresns open-source social software.

Ok, I'll implement it in a later release.

jay Author : Thanks for your response. also, it would be good if this will support media embeds from social media websites. users love to share stuff, so this will make it easy to them.
Jevan : ok
Total 2 comments
jay: Add OpenGraph view for links. when some users add links, show a card for the link content.
uninstall or unpublish removes the assets files.

gabrieL: I created a theme called SocialMatrix based on Moments. Is there a reason why it doesn't show available under App Center -> Themes ?...
Extension Development

This can also be done in the admin panel. Select Input Directory Path and enter the full path. If the appliance is already in the /extensions/plugins/ or /extensions/themes/ directory, you can install it by specifying only fskey as the directory path.

gabrieL: I created a theme called SocialMatrix based on Moments. Is there a reason why it doesn't show available under App Center -> Themes ?...
Extension Development

The list of themes in the admin panel is read from the database, so you need to install it first to get the theme into the database. The configuration information is in theme.json in the theme directory.

gabrieL Author : I updated the theme information in the theme.json but how do I install it? I thought publishing was the same as installing it. Do I need to put it in the Marketplace?
gabrieL Author : Sorry! I seem to have overlooked the php artisan theme:install function.
Jevan : This can also be done in the admin panel. Select `Input Directory Path` and enter the full path. If the appliance is already in the `/extensions/plugins/` or `/extensions/themes/` directory, you can install it by specifying only `fskey` as the directory path. [Image]
Total 7 comments
gabrieL: I created a theme called SocialMatrix based on Moments. Is there a reason why it doesn't show available under App Center -> Themes ?...
Extension Development
The key disclosed here is for testing purposes only, mainly for viewing the interface, not for production, so it has read-only permissions (does not affect login) and cannot write data.

Please use your own key for production.
Configuration Location: Admin Panel > App Center >...

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咻咪社区 : 登录显示 Fresns 500 The GET method is not supported for route api/v2/account/login. Supported methods: POST.
Total 1 comments
Jevan: In order to allow experiencers and developers can directly use Fresns, save the time and effort to make their own content, on the hands of a...


Option 1: Download the full package manually

Website client already built in

Option 2: Download via Composer

The composer download is for the server only, for the client please go to the Fresns Marketplace.


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张三: 刚安装 没有前端。 只有后台 https://****/fresns/admin。
Install and Use
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