Digest Posts

Storage settings support the separate use of ‘storage’ and ‘access’ services.

General Digest

A common configuration scheme in the Fresns community involves using the same service for both ‘storage’ and ‘access.’ For instance, files might be stored and accessed via Cloudflare or Cloudinary, as illustrated in the first screenshot.

However, Fresns storage settings also sup...

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Utilize Octane to increase the running speed of Fresns by more than tenfold

General Digest

Laravel Octane supercharges your application's performance by serving your application using high-powered application servers, including FrankenPHP, Open Swoole, Swoole, and RoadRunner. Octane boots your application once, keeps it in memory, and then feeds it requests at superson...

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General Digest
After you have added a new language in the Fresns admin panel, you need to fill in the values for that new language in all multilingual configuration items.

Otherwise, if you use that language on the client side, the client side display will be empty because its value is empty....

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Fresns official community API key is public and can be used directly by anyone

Global Sticky General Digest

In order to allow experiencers and developers can directly use Fresns, save the time and effort to make their own content, on the hands of a full set of data site, the official community of Fresns open API key to the public, welcome to use.

The API host for all of the following...

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